Saturday, I decided to head out and enjoy a bit of Grand Haven's culture and sights. I started out by heading to the lake (i.e. Michigan) and checking out a kite festival I heard about. After waiting in my car for about 15 minutes to get through the line into the parking lot I found a spot.
When I left the house I'm staying at, it was warm calm day so I was confused when I found my spot and saw others pulling out their jackets, wind breakers, sweaters and such. Then it dawned on me. Not having been back to the Lake shore for such a long time I had forgotten how much colder and windier it can be just a few miles away on the Lake. Stepping out of my car in jeans and a t-shirt the cold blustery wind hit me like a slap in the face. I knew it was going to be a short outing to check out the kites, but I was determined to take in some of the sights.
As I walked along the beach (filling my shoes full of sand with every step) I marveled at the number and variety of kites. Immediately I thought of dad-he has always loved kites. They had animal shaped kites, stunt kites, traditional kites, and I even say 3 or 4 people "kit surfing". Kite surfing is when you attach yourself (via a harness) to a parachute like kite and allow the wind to pull you and lift you as you surf on the water. Very cool to watch. I seriously thought about trying to get into this sport, until I saw the price tag on just the surf board ($400-$600) not to mention the dozen other pieces of equipment.
Anyway, here's a picture or two of the kites I saw. Sorry the res. is so poor, but what do you expect from a free Razor phone?
(Notice the octopus kite!)
Here's one with 5 kites stringed together!

After taking in my fill of kites and cold wind I decided to head back to the warmer climate inland and stroll down the main st. in Grand Haven. I walked through the historical museum which was surprisingly interesting. It's a very small museum, but what it has is very interesting including a traditional 19th C. home interior you can walk through.
I stopped in a touristy clothing sore and saw this funny t-shirt.
If you can't read the print, it says, "The beatings will continue until morale improves." That's a great saying I've actually used on multiple occasions. Unfortunately, I didn't feel it was worth the $20 sticker price...
About that time I started getting hungry and had heard rumors of a bread company that gave away free slices of bread as "samples." Feeling the need for a "sample" I made way over there. Not wanting to look like any ordinary street beggar, I stayed back to watch the locals so I would know what I was doing before asking for my own free bread. After surveying the situation, I eyed a loaf of cinnamon swirl bread that seemed to beckoning me forward. I stepped up and simply asked, "could I sample the cinnamon swirl bread?" Fully expecting I looked like a darn tourist I waited to be thrown out on my ear but to my amazement the lady behind the counter cut a thick tasty slice of the cinnamony goodness and handed it to me. I gratefully accepted the boon and immediately took a small bite and thoughtfully chewed the scrumptious morsel hoping to give the impression I actually intended of buying a whole loaf- which of course I had no intention of doing. Next, giving my best impression of man impressed, but not impressed enough to cough up $7, I quietly made my way out the door smiling triumphantly having secured my free bread.

In fact, I felt quite confident and proud of myself for my great theatrical and slightly clandestine
performance ... that is until I followed by three jr. high girls walked out giggling with not one, but two pieces of cinnamon swirl bread...each!
I also took some time Saturday to enjoy some truly picturesque scenery. Two pictures I took with my phone are especially nice. The first picture is taken of the Coast Guard park over looking the bay (which directly to Lake Michigan about 200 yards down). I like this photo because it captures the serene beauty in Grand Haven. The next picture is taken from a place called Five Mile Hill. Supposedly, from the top of this hill you can see for 5 miles on a clear day. The picture does not really do justice the beauty, but it gives you an idea and a look at the tri-city area.

Overall it was a gorgeous day and a lot of fun. Make you sure you get out here soon and enjoy yourself with us!
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