Thursday, April 24, 2008

Some pics

I wanted to try out adding photos, so here's a couple to start.

This is my nephew Nate: We often lock him up in his cage...but I think he likes it.
I'm waiting for his senior year of high school to pull this one out again and embarress him in front of all his friends. Aren't I a great uncle?

This is Nate's big sis Kaleigh. She's quite the performer and always ready for a photo op. She was helping Grandma Hawthorne make the stuffing for Thanksgiving. Someone forgot to tell her you're suppose to stuff the Turkey, not your cheeks.

This picture is from two Christmases ago at our house in Farmington. Our dog Moxie was only about 4 months old. We now have Jack, but I couldn't find our recent Christmas photo. Just imagine another dog like this one and add a even sillier grin and a tongue sticking half way out. There's a reason we affectionately call him, "the village idiot." :-)

So there you have a few photos....I'll add more latter.


PB said...

Hey man...I think this is great! I can not wait until you and Julie are in west Michigan!!! PB

Anonymous said...


Can't wait to get to know you more! Hope things are going great!
